Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Small Town No More

Today... the world changed. Most days in life, are normal, forgetful days. Nothing really happens, nothing big to remember, nothing that really changes your perception of how the world works. But every now and then, a day comes along that shakes your core, typically out of the clear blue.. suddenly and without warning thrust into events beyond your wildest imagination. Today was one of those days.

Let me just start by saying this: I grew up in a small town... a very small town. 99% of the people in my own state had never even heard of this small town. I graduated from a small high school, full of opportunity. I knew everyone at the school.. heck, I was student body president of the school my senior year. And for me and the other 400 students of the school, the world was a safe place (except for the times I was caught ditching class, something that is difficult, but not impossible, when your Mom also works at the high school).

Sadly for me, thanks to the events of today.. the whole dang world knows the name of my home town.. and my high school. I grew up in Bailey Colorado. I am a graduate of Platte Canyon High School. Sadly, they don't connect it with a quality education, or a Norman Rockwell upbringing. They connect it with a psycho... entering the school... taking hostages.. sexually molesting them.. and ultimately killing an innocent girl.

The day began normally, rushing out of the house to take Little Calvin to school, dealing with the sometimes crap I deal with at the office. At about 11:30, my wife called my desk, wondering if I had seen the news. She had just happened to have logged onto a news site while eating lunch at her desk, and seen a 4 minute old news story.. very vague in details, but said enough to get her attention: A gunman had entered a high school in Bailey, Colorado and had taken hostages... my high school.. the high school where my mom continues to work to this day. At first, I couldn't really process it, it seemed too weird.. too random.. this couldn't be MY Platte Canyon. But as the news spread, the helicopters swarmed and the news media took over the football field, reality began to click in.

Next came the questions.. Who were the hostages? How many? Who was this guy, what was he doing... and why was he in my school. And most importantly.. what is happening with my Mom? Could she somehow be involved? As news continued to pour in, and speculation ran rampant throughout the media, it was clear that there were no quick answers. I quickly called my sister in Texas.. she didn't believe me at first, but upon turning on CNN, she found herself wrapped up in the drama as well. I called my Dad's desk at his work "Have you heard from Mom, today?" His answer was typical Dad... "No, why would I have?" Upon hearing the news from me, he went into typical "Dad mode".. obviously concerned, but masking it with humor.. a trait passed on to me.. "Wow, cool! That's the biggest story to come out of Bailey in 25 years! I'm sure she'll have some stories when she gets home!". Then I took a chance, and called my Mom's school office phone. No answer. Just as I predicted.

For the next several hours... I watched.. waiting for any substantial news. From my web browser, I had 5 windows open, each from a different website news source, along with streaming media going. Although I was in Oregon.. I became the "news feed and coordinator", refreshing news pages and then fielding calls from my wife, sister and family as we all watched the situation unfold. While all news media were reporting variances.. a few things were consistent: A gunman was in the building, he had taken 6 hostages.. females.. and a standoff was underway.

By mid afternoon, news came across that a few hostages had been released. But soon, news stories starting striking way to close to home, closer than they already were. The news began reporting that one of the hostages could be a teacher.. The hostages were taken out of an English class... something that my mom teaches. And there was still no word from my Mom, something that under the conditions, seemed very odd.

Mid afternoon came, I knew that I needed to leave work to do some video interviews for my film.. something that I really didn't want to reschedule. My wife called to express concern at my continuing to do the interviews and said something that really struck home.. "You could very well be getting some really bad news this afternoon.. is that really were you want to be if that call comes in?" While I had been watching all of this happening, it was the first time I really was struck with the reality of what could be happening. That's when it became time for answers. I needed to know what was going on.. and I needed to know NOW.

I googled the school district office and found the superintendent's phone number. Taking a chance, I called, and to my shock, someone answered. And to all the small town wonder, not only did I know the person answering, but she knew exactly who I was, and remembered me from 16 years ago. She spoke quickly and said "I'm sure you are calling about your Mom, let me assure you she is fine. She is helping with the student evacuation to the elementary school, but is fine." That's all I needed to hear. She was ok, so I was ok, although still concerned for the ongoing crisis.

With my news finally received, I decided to go ahead with the interviews and soon took my late lunch to go interviewing. 45 minutes later as I was heading back to the office, the news came in.. the crisis was over, the gunman was dead, along with a student.

Tonight.. has been tough. Luckily, the situation is over. But there are so many questions left unanswered. As for the student killed.. her name is Emily.. she is one of my Mom's debaters from the school team that my Mom coaches. She is a volleyball player, another thing striking a chord in my life.

It's been a rough day... hopefully in the days to come we can get some answers. Hopefully, I can turn on the news sometime soon and NOT see my little small town in Colorado high school not plastered all over the news. Maybe we will learn why this bastard did what he did.. not that it really matters... he can't undo the hurt that he caused and the fact that today, the world changed.. for me.. for my family.. for my past.. and for my future. My family ended up safe physically, but each of us.. from me in Oregon, to my Sister in Texas, to Mom who has to live with the memories of being in the high school today.. will deal with the scars that will be put on us from today.

Today... My world changed...Thanks a lot.. you selfish bastard!

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