Wednesday, September 6, 2006

School Starts

I think from the time kids are born, parents always know that it's coming.. the big day when the little ones officially begin their education, starting through the public school system. And that day finally arrived today. Little Calvin's first day in kindergarden.

Luckily for us, it wasn't as traumatic as it is for some. For the last 2 years, he has been attending an outstanding preschool program.. 2 years ago, he'd go 3 times a week and last year it was every day, the hours in school very similar to what he will be doing this year. So to us, it feels like we are just starting up school again for the year. Yet, it is strange too.. somehow it's just different knowing that he is "officially" in school, part of that public school system now.

After spending 2 years in a private, church run preschool, we were very concerned about the whole "public school" idea.. would they continue to offer such organized/learning programs, or would it be a step backwards for him? Luckily, we were able to enroll him in a school other than our regular local school, one that has a reputation for being a high quality program, and a much smaller school, more focused on the kids and what they need. We have never heard a negative remark made about this school and we consider ourselves lucky that he was able to transfer so easily.

One thing we found rather humorous... all summer he has been asking "when do I get to ride the bus?". He asks over and over and he has been SO excited to get on it. Finally the time arrived today. And as he got off the bus, Dawn eagerly asked "How was the bus ride?" to which he replied "Boring."... Ah, the joys of facing reality sometimes....

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