Monday, July 7, 2008

Finally from Florida: Kennedy Space

Saturday: Having waved goodbye to my sister and her family, who left to begin the long drive back to Texas, the now smaller family headed east to Kennedy Space Center. We had gone as a family on each of our earlier family trips to Florida and it was nice to see that, while there were some changes, the space center remained very similar to how we remembered it way back when.

A few highlights:
In addition to our regular admission, we took the "NASA Up Close Tour". This two-hour bus tour allowed us to see many of the NASA administration buildings (exciting.. I know) as well as both shuttle launch pads, the shuttle landing area, and the Vehicle Assembly building (insanely giant building).

At the conclusion of the tour, the busses dropped us off at the Saturn Rocket center, a new exhibit featuring a large scale film, a recreation of the control room from the Saturn V launch along with a whole recreation of the launch morning. Finally, we got to see the actual Saturn V rocket itself which is GIANT. Very cool to see!

Once back at the Space Center complex, we rode their shuttle launch simulator. On this ride there are no funky g-forces like EPCOT's Mission Space, but there is a whole lot of shakin' going on. The coolest part was just after lift off. According to the story of the ride, us "trainees" are sitting in a module in the shuttle's cargo bay. Once up "in space", they open up the bay doors so we can see the earth below. In reality, the doors open up to a giant domed IMAX screen playing a film of the rotating earth, a rather cool effect.

After looking through the exhibits, and taking in a 3-D IMAX film, we began sorting through the gift shop for souvenirs. It was right then that a major Florida afternoon thunder storm came barreling through the area. Bringing booming thunder and lightning striking just across the street, security recommended we stay inside to ride out the storm. Plus, we only had a few ponchos and with the rain POURING, we knew we'd be soaked on a long walk to the car. So.... we stayed put. And this storm was not a quickie. I think I studied every item in that gift shop, multiple times. Eventually the rain slowed a bit and my Dad and I decided to make a run for it to get the car. But even so, we were soaked within seconds. Good thing the the day was over.

Sunday was our quiet day. We took my folks to the train station (they have to take trains everywhere..) did some final souvenir shopping at Downtown Disney and spent some family time in the pool back at the house, before packing up to fly back to Oregon on Monday. As much as it pained me to come home.. it was time to leave Florida and return to the real world.

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