Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2010: At A Glance

A quick note today… Just to kick my new blogging habits off. Typically when I go for a long time without maintaining my blog, I try to do a big post to catch everyone up on what is going on in life and show how busy things have been for us. This was my original plan for this post. But when I started writing, I realized… I just barely did all this, when I typed up the family Christmas letter just a few weeks ago. So, rather than rewording that letter, or posting the text, I am simply going to add a link here and if you would like you can download a copy of our annual newsletter and read about the many things we are doing.

Click here to download the PDF

In addition, You can actually watch all of our various activities in my 2010 recap video that I do each year. Because this is something that is just for my family and our own memories, I do use normal music in these videos, something that Youtube frowns upon, so I have it stored on my own server. Rather than having the nice embedded video right on the blog you will have to click to see it, but its a fun way to catch up with all of our various events through the year.

Click here to watch the 2010 video recap

It was a busy 2010.. And with any luck, 2011 will be busy too! I don't like to be bored or have nothing to do!! Something tells me, there wont be a problem!

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