Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Project: My Digital Life

I am in the process of a new project I have deemed "My Digital Life". Every photo I can get my hands on, I am scanning into the computer and organizing. This means al those stacks of prints stored all over the house, all the photo albums, all my Dad's slides, etc..... All slowly working their way into the digital universe, to be archived away for safe keeping or easily used in one of my digital projects.

While attempting to do this, however, I am coming across some strange things from my early childhood... Like clothing I was dressed in. I mean, who wears pants with indians on them?! How disturbing...

1 comment:

  1. Okay--you now need to know why your clothes were so strange. When you were little, you picked them out all by yourself when we went to the store. You loved those little pants so don't ever think your mother dressed you funny. She might have but you picked them out yourself. Love, Mom
