Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Welcome to Calvin's Chimerical Cosmos

Here we go! It's finally time to enter the blogging world! Welcome to Calvin's Chimerical Cosmos! What in the world is this? Simply the name for my little spot on the internet. Calvin (as in Calvin and Hobbes) has long been my personal mascot. I seem to identify with the little trouble maker in many ways. And, I have always said that I wanted to have a kid just like him. Well, I now have a little 5 year old Calvin, and while he keeps me on my toes... I wouldn't want it any other way. His little imagination is just amazing and always has me laughing, even when he does push my buttons.

So this will be my spot, to elaborate and enlighten on my crazy universe, my own world (Chimerical Cosmos) and the unique way I see life. I'll also use this spot to track m progress from overweight junk food eater to marathon runner (Disneyworld Marathon, 2007..... 313 Days to go!) and to tell of family stories and events.

So stay tuned! This should prove to be interesting!

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