Monday, August 21, 2006

Shooting Begins!

Ok, enough build up already... let's get this season going! Let's get this party started! After working like crazy for the last 2 weeks trying to get ready to go, it is finally time for the 2006 season to begin, which means for me, it's finally time to grab the camera again and start shooting!

Today was the first official day of practice, and the beginning of the notorious week known as "Daily Doubles", meaning there are 2 practices each day, and they tend to be the tough, conditioning type of practices that coincide with the start of the season... perfect for getting great footage! With so much potential for good shots, there was no way I could try to squeeze shooting into my normal work schedule, so I took the day off from my regular job, cashing in a vacation day I needed to use anyway so I didn't loose it.

So how did it go? I think very well! At least the footage shot today seems to look good. This gives me some hope as other parts of the film project have had some... eh.. setbacks over the weekend. I found a glitch in the backdrop that was being painted last week. Sadly, that was discovered AFTER it had been mailed on Saturday as I was looking over the final photos taken of it being produced. And so it has to be re-done and resent from Utah. If all goes well, it will arrive JUST in time for the first set of interviews. Then tonight, the boys and I finally had the chance to build the portable frame that would hold the backdrop only to discover some flaws in its design. But late tonight, my neighbor and I had re-architected it, coming up with a solution that should be done mid-week. (Good thing Friday's interview shoot got pushed back to Monday!!!)

So, at least the project is finally started, my first hour of footage is "in the can" as they say. I'll continue to shoot as much of daily doubles as my schedule allows, spend next Monday shooting the early season interviews, and then start editing by mid-next week. It's late, I am totally exhasuted.. been a very busy day, and there are many more to come.

Ahhhhh... I love this time of year! Go Spartans!

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