Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Santa, Stereos and Sickos.. Yup, it's Christmas!

On behalf of the Calvin Clan.... Merry Christmas everyone! First... in response to my Christmas break excitement several days ago.. the break went MOSTLY on schedule. Friday we did spend the afternoon playing video games at Chuck E. Cheese (apparently I misspelled the name in my last post.. it's not Chucky Cheese, as my daughter has been giving me grief). But Tyler continuously complained of a sore throat that just wouldn't stop hurting, forcing us to keep a more watchful eye on him.

By Saturday afternoon as we were getting ready to head to Splash (our indoor water slide, wave pool, aquatic center) it still hadn't let up. We peeked down his throat and were shocked to see his tonsils the size of bowling balls in the back of his throat. No wonder he was uncomfortable... So rather than swimming, he got to head to the always fun doctors office with Dawn while I took Amanda and Little Calvin to the pool. Turns out, he had Strep throat. Ug. Poor kid. That put an end to our boy's late night movie watching fun, as suddenly he had to be sleeping.

But health issues aside, the rest of the break was nice... We celebrated my wife's birthday by going out to eat and seeing Enchanted (very entertaining movie, by the way... if you have grown up watching Disney animated movies, you'll enjoy it) and by gearing up for Santa's big visit on Christmas Eve with some friends joining us for dinner.

That leads us up to today.. Christmas Day! Awaking to the sounds of jingle bells.. watching excited, yet groggy kids stumble out of bed in the early morning darkness, and having it be the one day out of the year I can get away with Cheesecake being a breakfast food. Why my Dad taught me that.. I have no clue.. but it's a great Christmas morning tradition as the rest of the family looks at me with a shudder.

Then on to presents.. first from Santa. I started out thinking I had been very bad this year as I opened a dashboard car stereo install kit.. with nothing inside it. Luckily the actual stereo came later (now I can finally stop having to wear my ipod headphones when I drive!!). For the kids... it was their typical assortment of whatever they have been collecting and obsessing over this past year... Ben 10, magic tricks, High School Musical, etc. So they were all happy.

Eventually we got the the biggie presents... A new high tech sewing machine for Dawn, iPods for the kids (thank you Craig's List!!!) and the latest seasons of my favorite shows Lost and the Office. One gift that really got my attention was a quilt made by my wife. She took a bunch of t-shirts I had from my old college debate team days, from my church mission, and from my old Calvin and Hobbes t-shirt collection and put them together into a nice quilt. It both looks really cool and is a heck of a lot more practical than having a bunch of too small t-shirts taking up my closet space that I refuse to give away for sentimental reasons. All in all.. very cool.

So now we get to take our wrapping paper filled house and return it to normal, take our sugar filled kiddos bouncing off the walls from Christmas candy and new toys and try to wind them down, and then finally relax to some peace and quiet. It's been a fun break.. very busy and I will have lots of fun memories from Christmas this year, but at the same time exhausting. I'm ready for some quiet time! Maybe getting to go back to my office tomorrow isn't such a bad thing... And far away from the crazy stores!!!

Merry Christmas!

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