Monday, December 29, 2008

Holiday Hits

It's been "memorable" holiday season in our house to say the least. I mean, isn't that what we always ask for? A holiday season to never forget? This year, I have learned to be careful of what we ask for...

First, the "hits".. as in "the best of": The holiday gave us many opportunities to celebrate and reflect on the many blessings we do have. Starting out the season was Little Calvin's first local Christmas parade as a cub scout. As one of the leaders from our local pack, I got to help decorate our float for the parade: a large, Christmas light covered flatbed truck that all the scouts could ride on, representing the organization. This alone, helped really bring in the whole "Christmas Spirit" as friends worked together for the good of a bunch of rowdy eight-year-olds, to both give them a memorable experience and bring joy to the parade watchers.

Next, we were able to spend some great times just enjoying each other as a family, doing fun things together. If you are looking for a fun gift idea for future Christmas's, try doing what was done for us: send a gift of money that is to only be used "for family activities only". (Thanks Chuck!) With that little "Christmas bonus" we were able to do an activity-a-day including going to the movies, bowling, swimming, and a visit to Chuck-E-Cheese. It may sound juvenile, but I have to say, spending an afternoon playing all the latest video games with your boys can be a lot of fun.

Add to that the fact the my parent's Christmas gift to they boys was a set of Laser Tag guns each (thus giving us 4 guns all together), we can now have family "shoot outs". We just head to some large, darkened area (the gym at the church works great), establish bases, turn off the lights, light up any obstacles with glow sticks (to avoid injuries and to give it a weird green, glowing, eerie feeling) and we can have a lot of fun!! Just watch out for tables in the corner, Ty...

Add in the family traditions that we share for my wife's birthday (the day before Christmas Eve) Christmas Eve itself, and Christmas Day, and it is really hard to complain.

But.. since this is my blog and is meant to be a reflection of reality (even though it is my "chimerical cosmos") I also have to discuss the other side of the coin:

The "Hits" (as in.. the two-by-fours knocking you upside the head). The biggest came two weeks prior to Christmas at work. Now we all know that the economy is.. struggling to say the least. And throughout my 11 years at my current job, I have always kept in the back of my mind that if anything goes wrong, causing our economy to tighten, one of the FIRST things to go will be people making luxury purchases.. and as predicted, people just aren't buying $400,000 RV's right now. To make things far worse.. we actually have lots of people wanting to buy our products, with money in hand ready to get a great deal. But the banks have completely stopped allowing people to buy RVs (or even the dealers to buy them for that matter) as they have tightened their lending nooses and consider RVs a luxury purchase.. something that doesn't need to happen at this point in time. With the banks refusing to lend money, customers unable to buy our products and our dealers unable to even buy products for their lots.. it's put us in a critical place very quickly.

While we all stressed about the future each day at work, we were all a bit shocked to suddenly hear that the company was shutting down for awhile. And not just our factory as has happened in the past.. but even the office staff. For the next 4 weeks (now extended to 7 weeks) we'd all be unemployed... Merry Christmas! Gone were the days of "Merry Christmas.. here is your large bonus to spend on your families for the holidays" and instead we get to spend a team meeting figuring out how to file for unemployment. Not what I expected for my holidays.

Now let's look at the positive here (as is always my way).. I got to spend some amazing time with my wife and kids during the holidays (see above) and still make magical memories, financial stress notwithstanding. And it's not like I am out of a job.. yet.. (We are all hoping conditions improve so that we can return on February 2nd as planned). I am also finally able to finish up so many video editing projects that have been piling up for so long and perhaps dream up some new ones. I can't think of a single time in my history that I have gotten to kick back, do my own projects, relax for a time.. and have the government throw money at me each week. Granted, it's nothing like my regular salary, but I'll gladly take whatever I can get.

But as we head into 2009, I am taking these "Holiday Hits" as a sign of things to come to try to keep my perspective in the right place. First the "Hits" remind me that regardless of what kind of stress may be going on behind the scenes, I always have my family to have fun with, to de-stress with, and find peace (even if that peace comes from blasting each other with laser beams). And second, the "hits" to force us into a plan to be cost conscious, to not take my job for granted, and to help us make those tough decisions about my career and where we need to be to be stable for the long haul.

2009 could be a challenging year... but as long as I keep my "Holiday Hits" in perspective, I think we may just be better off by the end of it, regardless of what challenges get thrown our way.

So, to all my loyal blog readers (and all those writing me e-mails about not updating for far too long) here's to a fresh start and a great 2009! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Stebe You are so welcome I am happy that You all were able to enjoy the gift. I am sorry to hear about Your job I sure hope that things will get better real soon.
