Monday, October 30, 2006

It's over... early...

Well.... It's over... Our week of travel carefully planned out, hotel reservations made, even car food bought. Everything was ready to go and planned. What was not planned for was the fact that, as I put is last week, Hyde showed up to play tonight, causing us to lose the game, thus officially ending the season. For the first time in 10 years, Marist High School will NOT be going to State.

What does that do for me? I have no clue. I spent the drive home trying to wrap my brain around it. The season has been painstakingly shot... interviews done, with all the players telling the story of the season, sequences edited, and hours and hours put into telling the story of a season... that everyone now wants nothing more than to forget.

During the drive home tonight, entire chunks of the film were mentally chopped off, putting them into cold storage for future years when the team may have better success. I have a plan of attack now worked out, taking the focus of the story off of the playing and moving it to the good times the team had and the relationship of the girls. But will they even want to watch it.. who knows at this point...

I am just sad to see it all end...

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