Friday, December 8, 2006

Kitchen Makeover

It's finally done! A few weeks ago, just before the Thanksgiving holidays, my wife approached me with an idea: We need to paint the kitchen.. It's just too boring. Now, she did have a point.. it was one of the few rooms in the house that still had its base white paint on the walls from when it was built 5 and a half years ago. With the exception of some stick on borders that have come and gone over the years, the kitchen is very much like it has always been, while some rooms are already on their third paint job. And so the Kitchen re-paint began.

Now, I have to say, I came out quite lucky in this whole project. My wife wanted to come up with a creative border to line the middle of the kitchen walls, where the counter meets the walls. She had looked in multiple wallpaper stores for a border she liked, but nothing could live up to what she was picturing in her head, and she hates dealing with traditional wallpaper. So I left the design of the new kitchen up to her, and just offered feedback as she worked through different options.

So, as for actual work for me... I moved appliances.. and I painted the base color. Once I finished my job, then she came began on the border.. and the style that she designed took a lot of time, and precise work, so that it wouldn't turn into a mess.

She began prior to the holidays when we finally had a free weekend in between the busy DVD cycles. We had to take time away from the project to make a quick weekend trip to Idaho for Thanksgiving, leaving our kitchen slightly pulled apart and filled with paint cans, brushes and all matters of painting paraphernalia. But once we returned, it was back to the painting business.

This week, she finished all the detailed border work.. and now our kitchen can go back to a normal state. I must say, it looks really nice, and while I had my doubts when hearing the plans, she did great in executing her vision and the kitchen benefits from her hard work and attention to detail. Even the bread box now has the new striped pattern so that it will go with the new kitchen.

It always weird... I get so sucked into overwhelming computer projects, that I just want to take a break from the computer, and do something totally different... go build something.. paint a room. And then I get a few hours into a new project, see the enormity of it, and suddenly start wishing for that computer again. Luckily, all the overwhelming details of this one were in my wife's hands.. and after my day of work, I was able to walk away and let her finish. So it proved to be just the break I needed before getting into the final push to get DVDs done. And again, thanks to her focus and detail, the kitchen looks great!

Now, comes the big question: What room will be next and how long until I come home from work to hear those famous words "Honey, I was thinking...."

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