Thursday, March 2, 2006

The New Technology of Running

As I mentioned previously, I am in the process (ok, very early process..) of training to run a marathon. I have picked the Disneyworld Marathon in January of 2007 as my goal. While January seems like it is very far off, in running terms, it really is not. That means I now have 5 months left to build a good base, and then 5 months of heavy duty running and training. Now, this isn't a starting point.. I have been running since last fall, trying to do about 10 miles per week and finished a 5k on Thanksgiving day, but I know I have a long way to go in oder to get myself into the body of a marathon runner!

This is also Marathon attempt number 2. The first took place 3 years ago, as I decided to run the Portland Marathon in early October. The problem was, I made that decision in early May... and I made that decision having not run a mile in years. So I attempted to go from couch potato to Marathon ready in 5 short months, with no base. I downloaded a beginners daily schedule for training for a marathon (ignored the "runner must be running 15 miles a week for 6 months PRIOR to starting this schedule" fine-print) and was very pleased with my progress as I ran all summer. The problem came in mid August, halfway through a 15 mile run, where my knee just shut down, said "no more!" and gave out. I guess I am too big of a guy to run that far, that quickly, and my knee let me know. It has taken 3 years to get back to a point where I can finally jog down the street without it wobbling on me. And so, I begin on my next goal.. this time trying to do it right.

But in training this time, I am noticing how much has changed, even in the 3 years since the last attempt. I remember the days in high school when running was easy.. you throw on your running shoes and off you go. For my family, life seemed to revolve around the cross country season. Sure, I did other sports.. ski team in winter, track in the spring, but this was really to keep in shape for cross country. Back then the only real decisions came when I got to my locker and said "hmmm, training shoes or racing flats". But now... oh how things have changed!

I came to this conclusion last night, as I prepared to head out for a late night run. After finally getting the kids down for the night, it was time to hit the road. But rather than throwing on a basic t-shirt, shorts and shoes, things have gone hi-tech. You can't just throw on any old shorts, they can chafe.. no, you have to have the specialty running shorts. You have to have the new space-age running shirt to keep the sweat off you (and why do they call them space-age? I can guarantee NASA did NOT take my running shirt into space.. and why is NASA even testing running clothes.. shouldn't they be focusing on fixing the shuttle? But I digress..)

It's now not even the running clothes.. I have to go grab my hi-tech shoes, all perfectly designed with air in all the right places to keep me comfortable (and injury free with all the money I had to pay for the darn things!!). I have to grab my cell phone in it's speciality sports running sleeve for my arm, so that in case I run into any weirdos as I run through the dark I can... hit them with it... I grab the i-Pod, with its own specialty case to keep it protected from my extreme sweat, and spend 20 minutes trying to find the sports headphones, so I don't electrocute myself through my sweaty ears.. it now seems to take longer to DRESS for run and prepare all my gadgets than it does to actually run the course. And then there are the hi-tech running watches, tracking all the times, pedometers telling me how far I have run, and heart rate monitors making sure I am staying the the right "zone". By the time I get to the door, I have to ask myself.. Am I ready to go running, or go fight crime as Batman? I have the gadgets belt, loaded down, all I need is a cape and a lone ranger mask and I could go save the day.

FINALLY, I get out the door, happy to finally get going, jog to the corner and there get drenched by a sudden freak rain storm. I am sure I looked pathetic standing there, covered in gadgets, in all my hi-tech, space age running gear, now soaking wet. I guess my "not originally from Oregon" roots showed through as I bowed my head in defeat and sulked back home. Yup, I am rain running wuss (sorry, Zak!).. Thank goodness for the treadmill.. yet another piece of running technology..

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