Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Hill

Marathon Prep continues every day as I work towards becoming ready for the big race in January. (Only 268 days left!) But in all honesty, the actually "training" for the race will not begin until mid August. The way I originally laid out the plan was simple: August, 2005 - December 2005: Get in BASIC shape so that I can finish at least a 5k race (which I did on Thanksgiving Day). Then from January 2006 - mid August 2006 I would work on overall body fitness training. The goal here is to get into much better shape, capable of running 10k races, get my body strong, and lose some weight so that there is less pressure on my knees when I start putting on the big miles in the fall. August - mid January will be the core marathon training, and hopefully all goes well!

With an increase in daily fitness, I have been working on establishing a new mind set: Marathon Prep is not a phase, it is not something temporary, it is a way of life.. a way of thinking and acting. To do this, I have made several small changes in how I handle things: I try to drink more water than pop (a huge change for me!!!) and my sport drink consumption is way up. I don't drive around parking lots straining to find the absolute closest parking spot I can, and just park in the empty spaces in the back. The extra 20 steps could help, you never know.... Hopefully soon, weather and kids schedules permitting, I can begin to ride my bike to work. And at 20 miles each way, that'll be a descent workout!

But this weeks change has been a nice new shift to the schedule. The suggestion actually came from my wife. With her training in Physical Education and coaching jobs, she tends to have a lot of cool ideas as to getting the most out of my fitness day. Her idea: instead of sitting on my butt during my lunch break, driving the car to get my fast food while wasting expensive gas, why not take an easy lunch and spend the hour walking. And so the lunch break walks began.

One of the things that I feel has been lacking in my fitness so far is building leg strength. Sure it's nice to have my endurance back again, but when your legs die at mile 3, what good does that do? So I need to increase basic length strength and one of the ways recommended to do that is easy: Hills. Lots of hills.

Problem is, where I live in the valley, there are no hills in close proximity to my regular runs... it's nothing but farm land. But here at work, you go across the freeway, and there is... the hill! Straight up the side of the mountain. One mile straight up, then rolling hills for a mile, and one mile straight down. Walk that every day, and that could seriously help!

Now, it does take some planning! I have to remember to actually BRING a lunch, something I am not used to. I have to remember to bring a shirt as I don't want to get my office clothes all sweaty.. but having spent a week walking the hill, I am enjoying the benefits it's bringing. And walking 3 miles during lunch and then running 4 in the evenings.. bring on that Marathon! I like this new fitness way of life!

1 comment:

  1. I would offer to walk with you at lunch but as you know my current injury would not permit. I would say I could join you once I heal but I'm afraid I may fall and break my hip as us old folks often do.
