Monday, April 3, 2006

The Hinkley Report

It was General Conference weekend this weekend, and what a great conference it was. (If you have no idea what I am talking about right now.. Every 6 months, our church has a conference where church leaders address the world via Satellite from Salt Lake City) Having spent 10 hours over the weekend attending conference sessions, I know I benefitted greatly for the experience and knowledge received. There were things from all 5 sessions that stand out in my mind and never in the past have I felt like the Apostles were talking directly to me with their messages.

One of the things that really stands out in my mind from the whole conference was seeing President Hinkley, the prophet and president of the church. For one... I could actually SEE him. Typically we listen to the conference on the internet, but all sessions were actually live broadcast on our local Eugene basic cable service, and for this town, THAT is a miracle in and of itself!

Keep in mind, President Hinkley is one of the more.. energetic people I have seen. So busy and so full of life. Even though he is ready to turn 96!! I remember meeting him here in Eugene when he was 86 and going strong, you'd never expect he was as old as he was. But the spirit this man carries with him is indescribable.

But, this conference was different. He has had a pretty serious health turn for the worse in the last 6 months. His weight loss was noticeable this time but sense of humor still going strong... In regards to his recent surgery "It was the first time I have been a patient in a hospital. I do not recommend it to anyone." But humor aside, it really felt like he was taking an opportunity to address the saints for what could be the last time.

This is a man that has been high up in church leadership for the last 50 years. He has worked with so many past leaders and seen so much growth, it is astounding. Even just a few years ago when he became the president of the church, there were 40 temples. Now, 12 years later there are over 120.. just amazing progress.

His main talk of the conference was different from what he has done in the past. He focused on talking about things he has done in his many years of service. He didn't do this is a "look at all the cool stuff I have done", gloating style. It was more of a "Look how far the church has gone in the last 50 years". While he did say, that he looked forward to speaking again in October and continuing his work, to both my wife and I, this feels more like a man putting all of his affairs in order, but at home, and now for the church. While I would love to hear his inspiring words again, I would be very surprised to see him at another conference.

But if this was his final address to the saints, what a way to go. I don't think there was a dry eye anywhere amongst everyone watching or listening. The spirit was unrestrained, a huge peace sinking into all who listened. His memories were sharp and his conviction a strong as ever. "The vision given the Prophet Joseph Smith in the grove of Palmyra (N.Y.) was not an imaginary thing. It was real. The resurrected Lord and his father, "the great God of the Universe," appeared to the young prophet and opened the dispensation of the fulness of times. The Book of Mormon is all that it purports to be . . . The priesthood has been restored under the hands of John the Baptist and Peter, James and John. All of the keys and authority pertaining to eternal life are exercised in this church . . . This church, which carries the name of the Redeemer, is true."

Thank you, President Hinkley. We all benefitted from the experience! This will be a weekend long remembered, regardless of what the next 6 months holds.

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