Sunday, April 23, 2006

We Won! (Really!)

As I mentioned in my last blog, this weekend was the NCAA Women's Gymnastics National Championships, hosted by none other than our OSU campus. Since we had access to the whole competition, we took full advantage of our tickets.

Friday night the competition continued with the team championship. Amanda and Dawn represented the family and had a ball.. or... a beam.. or whatever the heck you would say for a gymnastics tournament. As with Thursday night, Georgia dominated the competition, winning the competition. Also winning tonight.. was Amanda and Dawn! They had entered a drawing in hopes of winning a prize. Mid way through the evening, much to their surprise, they heard their names over the loud speakers, announcing the won something. They excitedly checked in to discover they had won tickets to next year's national championships.. in Salt Lake City! So the girls will now be taking a trip to Utah next spring and are already talking about their plans like 2 excited teenagers.

Saturday was the Individual Events Championships and once again Dawn and Amanda were there for every second. They also enjoyed an autograph session with all of the athletes competing. They enjoyed meeting the girls and had a poster for them to sign. With that many competitors, you can image, the poster got quite full!! (See it here)

By the time the evening ended, the girls were quite pooped, having spent 3 days (2 for Amanda) and several late nights at the gym. But they had a great time. (Meanwhile, the boys were home building a high speed wireless network... exciting, eh?.. Hence the reason I am blogging about the tournament, and not about which blue wire went into what on the router.)

Oh, and where was our little red headed scientist? Out shooting bunnies in eastern Oregon... ahhh.. boys!

Check out our weekend photo gallery with the kids pictures form the competition and Amanda's autograph poster by clicking here.

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