Thursday, June 22, 2006

Amanda Blog: Wednesday

And the next installment... the saga continues..

"Today I woke up at 9:00 when Grandma came and told me to get out of bed. I went and I ate breakfast, got ready and drove down a lot of streets. Doesn't that sound exciting? We took a trolly type thing-a-ma-bob to downtown Denver. We went to a historical museum because the art museum we were planning on going to was closed for construction. At the museum we saw things like transportation, Baby Doe Tabor, children's clothes and art work. You should have seen me pose behind those handsome young statues. Then we met up with Grandpa and he took a long time at the library. After that, we went to lunch at a place called The Corner Bakery. We went to Claire's boutique and I got some fascinating earrings. One was a blue step-looking thing. The others were frogs which I adore and the last one was a long pair of star earrings. We then walked down to the capital building which was really cool because I got to see the inside of an actual capital building. We then walked back to the bus thing-a-ma-bob which took us to the downtown train station. From there we rode home and I fell asleep in the car. Tonight we went to a book-signing about a book called Chicken something. Grandma bought all of the lady's books. The author is the mother of a friend of my grandparents. Then we came home and we'll soon go to bed. Tomorrow is my last day here and tonight is my last night to sleep in my dad's old bed. Bye!"

Father's note: Now comes the tricky part.. actually getting her to WANT to come home. After living the life of luxury... shopping, hot tubs, guns..... it will be time for me to pick her up at the airport tonight. So far she doesn't seem too thrilled to return to the world of brothers, chores and parents. But, so goes the life of a pre-teen.

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