Sunday, June 11, 2006

Flying Solo

This weekend, I am experiencing a very odd sound... silence.... something not heard often in our household. Just as we were wrapping up our video project, my wife's family arrived, flying in from Salt Lake City. By family, I mean the family "girls", her grandmother, her two aunts and her niece. For one week each summer, they all fly out and spend a week at the coast. (For all of you keeping track, yes, this will be my wife's 3rd trip there in 4 weeks). This is meant to be a girls trip... (with the exception of Little Calvin, he loves going!). Since I have to work, and I have no problem letting the girls have their "girl time", I stay home.

What this means is that our normally crazy house is suddenly.... quiet. Almost uncomfortably so.. For 4 days.. it's just.. ME. Some weekends I try to do housework projects. This weekend, the house is already spotlessly clean. Some weekends, I try to catch up on video editing... but having just survived a crazy week at the office and a large scale video project.. I needed a break from the computer. So there I was Friday night... looking around the silent, clean house, going "hmmmmmmm, now what?"

"What" ended up being a rather crazy idea.. I'd go for a bike ride. Not just a ride down to the store... but a 50 miler. Now, keep in mind, I haven't ridden more than 4 miles at once in almost 10 years. But somehow my brain said "this is a good idea!" And so Saturday morning, I began my journey. The idea was simple.. make the 20 mile trip to the mall, catch a double feature, and then ride home the "scenic... long way". I must say, the idea was great to begin with... I love riding my bike and those first 20 miles flew by as I arrived at the theater in no time. Sure I was a bit sore, but I had a few hours to relax. I caught my double feature, first Mission Impossible 3 (great "guy" movie!) and then Cars (also a great flick! Watch the end credits!!).

The biggest problem hit as I got back on my bike, with 30 miles still ahead of me. Within 30 seconds, I knew I was in for a long haul... my legs.. very sore! And my Butt.... Holy cow! VERY not used to that bicycle seat!

But my determination was strong.. When I got t0 the crossroads where I could choose "long, but lower mileage route" and "longer, but original plan route", I went with my original plan. What I didn't anticipate was the nice, insanely strong head wind for 12 straight miles, or the fact that it would be both cold and dark by the time I got home.. but eventually, I fell through the front door.

Sunday, I was (as to be expected) a bit pooped. My body was tired and sore, with my knees giving me dirty looks constantly, and so I have just tried to take it easy, and even with all the chaos of last week, yes, I ended up spending that afternoon editing video.. I just can't stay away... It's like crack.

Spending time alone... it's one of those odd things. It's total freedom.. I can do what I want, when I want, eat what I want, sleep as long as I want, no demands... But would I want that long term? No way! I miss my family. I greatly look forward to Tuesday when they return. Until then,, I'll just continue in this very strange, quiet place... with no one to laugh at me as I limp and lurch around the house, feeling like a dork. (Ok, maybe it's good they don't see that!!!)

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