Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Coasting Again

It's another weekend at the coast, our second in a row... we are certainly not complaining! I thought I may be in a tough spot a few months back when my wife called me at the office to propose spending Memorial Day Weekend at a beach house. Little did she know that we'd be there for our anniversary trip just a week prior. But I figured.. two weekends at the coast in a row.. no problem. Plus if I tried to come up with some reason why we couldn't spend Memorial Day at the coast, it would set off red flags.. it's just not like me to turn that down. So.. for our second weekend in a row, we were on the water. But this time, Little Calvin and even his 2 gerbils went along.

But this weekend was more of a traditional coast weekend. Rather than last weekends, "oh look at the pretty waves and whales off the rocks in front of our Condo", this weekend was beach, sand and all the activities that go along with that. We built sand castles (well, ok, Sand Jolly Rogers), we flew our kites, we walked along the beach, played family board and card games, roasted marshmallows on a evening beach fire and watched a lot of pirate movies... a perfect family weekend. Even the weather cooperated. Sure it rained here and there, just in time for our inside game breaks, but overall it was fantastic!

So far all of you out of state blog readers.. get yourself to the Oregon Coast! It's beautiful! Well, on second thought, stay put. It gives me that much more wide open beach space, and once you have a beach weekend out here, you'll be spoiled forever, want to come back constantly and rave to your friends.. thus sending that many more people to our little haven.

To check out our Jolly Roger sand creations or see our evening beach fire, click here to view the photo gallery.

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