Saturday, May 20, 2006

Expect... the Unexpected

As you could probably tell from yesterdays post, my wife and I are celebrating our anniversary this weekend. Soooo, where are we? This year, I kept the plan as simple as possible as we are spending the weekend at an ocean front condo in Depoe Bay, one of our favorite spots on the coast.

But even simple plans, can become complicated when unexpected things happen. I already mentioned my first misstep in all of my trip planning: the announcement. My sneaky little attempt to sneak the news of our trip into a game of Scrabble turned out to not work. But Friday brought about some last minute.. rearranging, keeping me on my toes!

First, the weather... All of my weekend plans revolved around the fact that the weather would be clear. As of Friday... it wasn't. Our normally beautiful May weather was now cloudy, rainy, and windy. Suddenly I had to jump online and find some backup plans for some of our time on the coast.

Next: our departure time. According to my "master plan" we would be leaving town at noon, so that we would arrive on the coast by 1, and have several hours in Florence before having to head up to Depoe Bay. But that plan was derailed at 11:30 when the phone rang. It was Little Calvin's school calling. He and his school buddy were running on the playground, had gotten tangled up in each other at high speed, and had fallen onto the concrete sidewalk without anything to break their fall but the hard cement. He was in tears and complaining that he couldn't bend his arm. Without a nurse around, his teacher called us to determine their coarse of action. So the plan to leave in a few minutes was suddenly set aside, as Dawn made the 25 minute drive into town to asses his arm.

This at least gave me time to finish packing the bags and cooking (I pre-cooked all of our meals so I didn't have to spend time cooking on the trip). It also gave me time to come up with a plan that would work in case we had a 5 year old with us, newly in a cast. Luckily, that didn't have to happen. While yes, his spill was a doozy, leaving his arm scratched and badly bruised, it didn't need a doctors attention.. It just needed some "mom" attention. In the end, he continued on to his baby sitters house as originally planned and Dawn returned home. This did cause us to leave late, having to axe our go cart driving/mini-golf competition on the coast as there was no time.

But once we finally got out of town, the trip was wonderful. Like I said, we stayed at a condo in Depoe Bay overlooking the ocean. And by overlooking, I mean the waves were crashing directly below our room, sometimes crashing so loudly at night it woke us up with the loud sudden "SLAP" sound (but that is a plus in my book, not an annoyance). Even from the living room of the condo, it felt like being on a cruise, as we could see nothing but water from almost anywhere in the rooms.

Friday, we relaxed in the condo and watched one of the most gorgeous sunsets I have seen on the coast. Today, we went boating on Devil's Lake in Lincoln City (the weather turned out to be beautiful!) barbecued on the deck, made homemade ice cream, and tonight we are heading to a concert. (Look for the review tomorrow)

So, the trip has been great so far. If you'd like to see some of my photos from the trip, click here to view the trip photo gallery.

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